A dental implant is made of inert, bio-compatible titanium placed in the jawbone, providing a solid foundation for a replacement tooth to be attached. The tooth – usually a porcelain crown – is custom-made to closely match your other teeth’s shape, size, and shade (colour).

Why Dental Implants

Teeth replacement through dental implants at your trusted Geelong dentist is an alternative to other options for tooth replacement. Dental implants:

  • Provide fixed, long term tooth (teeth) replacement with proper maintenance
  • Closely resemble the functions and aesthetics of natural teeth
  • Do not rely on natural teeth to be anchored on
  • Improve chewing function where teeth were missing before
  • May slow down alveolar bone resorption and loss due to missing teeth

Who Is Suitable For Dental Implants? 

Dental implants may be suitable for you if you:

  • Have healthy gums.
  • Have sufficient jawbone for dental implant placement.
  • Do not have medical conditions that affect bone healing.

Fortunately, most patients can have dental implants as a replacement option for their missing teeth. You can always discuss with your dentist in Geelong whether you are a suitable candidate for dental implants.

Types of Dental Implants 

You may get a dental implant to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. If you are wearing a complete denture, dental implants may support a full denture, improving retention.

The Dental Implant Procedure

At Geelong West Dental, your dental implant journey will begin with implant consultation with our experienced dentist, who will discuss treatment options that suit your dental needs. We will perform digital scans and 3-D X-rays of your teeth and jaw as part of our treatment planning for dental implant placements.

During the procedure, our highly experienced dentist will place the dental implants with high precision in a sterile implant surgical setup, ensuring optimal results. In addition, there are sleep dentistry options available for patients with dental anxiety.

After the placement of dental implants, a crucial phase of bone healing or osseointegration occurs, creating a strong connection between the implants and your jawbone, typically for a period of three to four months. Please note that bone healing for patients with compromised medical conditions may take longer.

After osseointegration, our experienced dentists will fabricate a custom-made implant crown to closely match your natural teeth and attach the implant crown to the dental implant.

The Recovery Process

We encourage you to follow our post-operative instructions after your dental implant placement.

Tenderness, discomfort and some swelling is common following dental implant placement.

Avoid strenuous activities for the first 48 hours after dental implant placement.

Take pain-relief medications as prescribed by our dentist.

Intermittent use of ice packs can help with reducing swelling and tenderness.

Soft food diet is recommended for the first week of dental implant placement.

One of the benefits of dental implants is that they can be brushed and cleaned during the healing process. Keep your teeth and dental implant clean by brushing and flossing regularly. Maintain proper dental hygiene by brushing and flossing.

Regular dental check-ups may be required to monitor the dental implants and will be discussed by the dentist.

The Risks

As with any dental treatment, dental implant treatment involves some risks. These may include:

The implant not osseointegrating/healing with the bone

One common dental implant issue is a failure of the implant and bone to heal. If this occurs, our experienced dentist will manage by removing the implant. A new implant may be placed or we may wait a few months for recovery.


This disease may affect the gums and bones surrounding the implant, leading to possible failure. The risk of developing peri-implantitis is assessed during treatment planning. This risk can be reduced by avoiding smoking and practising proper oral hygiene. If peri-implantitis occurs, our dentists may manage the disease to save the implant, or the implant may be replaced.

Nerve damage

There is a risk of nerve damage during dental implant placement. This complication may result in discomfort, numbness, or tingling in the lips, teeth, gums, or chin. We perform dental implant treatments using custom-made surgical guides fabricated using a combination of digital scan and CBCT (Cone-Beam CT) 3-D dental X-ray technology. This allows precise placements of dental implants to avoid contact with the nerve structure.


Dental implants are usually placed under sterile settings. In some cases, infections related to dental implants may still occur. Our experienced dentists may prescribe antibiotics following your implant treatment to reduce the risk of an infection around your dental implants.

Different dental professional evaluations should be considered before proceeding with any dental implant treatments. 

Why choose Geelong West Dental for Dental Implants

 At Geelong West Dental, your comfort is our top priority. At the core of our treatment philosophy is a genuine commitment to understanding your dental concerns and goals.

Contact us today at (03) 5200 9137 for a complimentary implant consultation with our experienced local dentists (https://www.geelongwestdental.com.au/terms-and-conditions/)

*All photos below and in each section of dental implants are for illustrations only*

Single Dental Implant

Multiple Teeth Implants

Implant Supported Full Denture

All Teeth On 4 Dental Implants

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